Case Studies

Transforming Sales Efficiency: How a Founding BDR of a Lean Team Maximized Outputs with Bearworks

Sarah Hoskin
July 19, 2024


A comprehensive look at how Nathalie Lee, a Founding Business Development Representative (BDR), transformed her dialing process and enhanced sales efficiency using Bearworks. Faced with the goal of making more connections to drive sales growth at the startup company she joined, Nathalie needed a solution that would enable her to increase the number of dials and connect with more prospects efficiently. 

Nathalie had used dialers in the past, including Orum at her previous employer. However, her startup environment required her to be more resourceful and explore more affordable options to demonstrate success in her new role. For this, she worked with Bearworks to implement a robust dialing system that met her needs for efficiency and scalability.

Role of a BDR

Business Development Representatives (BDRs) play a crucial role in the sales process. They are primarily responsible for outreach and qualification of prospects, meaning their performance directly impacts the team's ability to convert leads into customers. The more dials a BDR makes, the more connections they establish, increasing the likelihood of successful conversions. Essentially, it’s a numbers game where higher call volumes often correlate to better results.


Before partnering with Bearworks, Nathalie faced several key challenges:

1. Inefficient Dialing Systems: The previous system required manual dialing through, leading to inefficiencies and lost time listening to dial tones.

2. Limited Call Volume: Nathalie was making 50-60 dials per hour while dialing one number at a time, manually.

3. Spam Flagging Issues: With Outreach, phone numbers were often marked as "Spam Likely" without alerting reps. With Orum, the chances of connecting with prospects was reduced because reps would need to manually check the numbers they were using to avoid their numbers listed as spam. 


As the Founding BDR, Nathalie Lee, was on a mission to revolutionize sales operations by integrating Bearworks, with the following strategic objectives: 

1. Overhaul Manual Dialing: Implement a parallel and power dialer system to automate and accelerate the dialing process. This overhaul aims to enhance call quality, increase efficiency, and eliminate manual errors associated with traditional dialing methods.

2. Increase Call Volume: Enable the team to make more calls in less time using a power dialer, thereby maximizing the number of connections with potential prospects. This increased outreach is crucial in expanding the reach and impact of the sales efforts.

3. Optimize Team Efficiency: Utilize the time saved from streamlined dialing processes to focus on other essential aspects of the BDR role, like pipeline generation and personalizing outreach efforts. This optimization enhances overall team productivity and effectiveness in converting leads into customers.

This strategic approach not only enhances the efficiency and scalability of the sales operations but also empowers Nathalie and her team to achieve higher outreach volumes and improved lead conversion rates.

Implementation Process

1. Onboarding and Setup: Nathalie and her team started by integrating Bearworks with their existing systems, such as Outreach, by inputting API keys and customizing settings tailored to their specific needs. This initial setup phase ensured that Bearworks seamlessly integrated into their workflow without disruptions, setting a solid foundation for efficient operations.

2. Integration with Existing Tools: Bearworks directly integrated with Outreach and Apollo, two platforms Nathalie’s team tested when building out their sales process. This integration facilitated real-time updates to sequences and task management, streamlining the process of managing and executing outreach campaigns. By syncing with these tools, Bearworks maintained consistency across platforms while enhancing the overall efficiency of their sales processes.

3. Enhanced Dialing Efficiency: With Bearworks, Nathalie and her team optimized their dialing efficiency significantly. The platform allowed them to comfortably dial up to 3-6 prospects simultaneously, leveraging parallel and power dialing capabilities. This enhancement in dialing efficiency not only increased the volume of outreach but also improved the chances of connecting with prospects, ultimately boosting their overall outreach capabilities and productivity.

By meticulously planning and executing these implementation steps, Nathalie transformed her team's sales operations with Bearworks, leveraging advanced technology to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and achieve greater scalability in their outreach efforts. 


After implementing Bearworks, Nathalie observed significant improvements in sales operations:

1. Increased Call Volume: By leveraging Bearworks, Nathalie doubled her dialing capacity to 100-120 dials per hour, significantly boosting outreach efforts and increasing the number of potential connections made.

2. Time Savings and Focus: Bearworks halved the time spent on dialing tasks, freeing up valuable time that Nathalie could redirect towards proactive activities like prospecting, identifying new accounts, and personalizing outreach strategies. This shift enhanced the efficiency of their BDR operations.

3. Improved Connect Rates: Bearworks' advanced features, such as automated spam detection and number swapping, enhanced the team's ability to connect with prospects. By reducing the chances of numbers being flagged as spam, Bearworks increased the likelihood of successful connections, thereby improving overall engagement rates.

4. Personalized AI Voicemail Drops: With previous tools, Nathalie faced limitations in customizing voicemail drops due to manual processes. Bearworks allows for seamless customization based on client preferences and strategic objectives, whereas other tools require exclusion of certain customized elements, impacting message personalization. The transition to Bearworks enabled Nathalie to enhance client engagement significantly by delivering more tailored and effective voicemails, thus reinforcing their commitment to personalized customer interactions. 

These enhancements not only optimized Nathalie’s dialing processes but also empowered them to achieve higher productivity, improved connection rates, and more effective client engagements in their BDR role.

Impact on Day-to-Day Operations

Bearworks had a substantial impact on the daily operations of Nathalie Lee and their business as a whole;

1. Efficiency Gains: Nathalie and her team doubled their call volume, achieving 100-120 dials per hour compared to 50-60 dials using previous methods, resulting in a higher number of booked meetings.

2. Enhanced Productivity: Halving the dialing time allowed BDRs like Nathalie to allocate more time to prospecting, finding new accounts, and personalizing outreach efforts, thereby boosting overall productivity.

3. Better Support Experience: Compared to her experiences, where Nathalie often faced delays and impersonal support from larger providers like Orum, her interaction with Bearworks' founders marked a notable improvement. Instead of navigating through phone trees or being passed between different support agents, Nathalie directly engaged with Bearworks' Co-Founders, Greg Meyer and Albert Wang. This direct line of communication meant that Nathalie’s feedback was addressed swiftly without bureaucratic delays. Furthermore, the Bearworks Co-Founders took her feedback seriously, actively incorporating her suggestions into the platform's development and providing personalized solutions to optimize her dialing process. This contrast highlighted Bearworks' commitment to delivering a superior support experience tailored to individual user needs, significantly enhancing Nathalie's operational efficiency and overall satisfaction.


Partnering with Bearworks enabled Nathalie, the Founding BDR, to revolutionize the dialing process, resulting in substantial improvements in call volume and overall sales efficiency. By leveraging Bearworks' advanced dialing capabilities, Nathalie doubled her dialing capacity to 100-120 calls per hour, significantly surpassing her previous capabilities with other platforms. This increase in efficiency not only allowed her to schedule more meetings but also freed up valuable time to focus on prospecting, nurturing leads, and personalizing outreach efforts.

Bearworks stands out as a system uniquely crafted by and for sales professionals like Nathalie. The hands-on approach of its founders in understanding and addressing the day-to-day challenges of BDRs ensures that the platform remains highly responsive and aligned with the evolving needs of sales teams. This synergy between user experience and technological innovation positions Bearworks as a trusted partner in driving sales effectiveness and operational excellence across organizations.

Bearworks Parallel Dialer Software

Turn Calls into Deals
with Bearworks

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